This nonprofit organization shall be known as the "Seaport Quilters' Guild." Its headquarters shall be located in Lewiston, Idaho and/or Clarkston, Washington.
(Amended March 8, 1999) This organization is organized exclusively for the educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our purpose is to promote and enhance the art of quilting and quilt-making by exhibitions, lectures and workshops; to encourage fellow quilt enthusiasts by participating in traditional home quilting bees; and to educate and increase the knowledge of quilting techniques.
(Amended March 8, 1999) Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).
Membership shall consist of anyone who is interested in quilting and shall be admitted to membership upon payment of dues. Members are always welcome to bring guests to any meetings. All members shall be eligible to vote of matters pertaining to policy and procedure of the organization. These shall include the election of officers and amending bylaws.
Dues will be charged each year with the amount to be recommended by the Executive Board and approved by the members. Guests will be required to pay dues after attending' two meetings. Their dues will be prorated from the date of payment for the first year.
The officers of the organization shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairman, Publicity Chairman, and Liaison. These officers will serve as the Executive Committee.
Committees shall be established as required to satisfy the programs and needs of the "Seaport Quilters' Guild," for orderly and timely implementations, by interested members.
The term of office shall be for one full year or until the successor takes office. No member shall hold more than one office at a time.
A nominating committee of at least two general members shall be selected by the president before the regular September meeting. This committee is to select nominees for the following offices: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairman, and Publicity Chairman.
The nominating committee shall present these names at the May meeting. Nominations from the floor will be accepted. The election will be by ballot at the May meeting.
Information folders for offices must be passed on by the June Meeting.
Monthly meetings will be held the 4th Monday of each month. Members are encouraged to participate in smaller interest related groups as desired.
The fiscal year for the "Seaport Quilters' Guild" shall begin July 1 and end June 30.
The financial records shall be audited each year by two appointed members, none of which are elected officers, the books are to be picked up after June 30th and returned to the treasurer by the July meeting. A report of the audit shall be sent to the President, , the old Treasurer and the new Treasurer stating the findings in the audit.
Upon the winding up and dissolution of "Seaport Quilters' Guild, after paying and adequately providing for the debts and the obligations of the organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes and which has established its tax-exempt status under section SO1(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
These bylaws may be amended or rescinded by a majority vote at any regular meeting if the notice is given at a previous meeting or in a call for a meeting that such is proposed. Two-thirds of the members present at such a meeting shall constitute a majority vote. All approved bylaw changes or amendments shall be in effect from the date of adoption.
Passed the 26th Day of October 1992
At the general meeting of the "Seaport Quilters' Guild"
Lewiston, Idaho / Clarkston, Washington
Amended the 24th Day of November 1997
At the general meeting of the "Seaport Quilters' Guild"
Lewiston, Idaho / Clarkston, Washington
Amended the 8th Day of March 1999
At the Board Meeting of the "Seaport Quilters' Guild"
Lewiston, Idaho / Clarkston, Washington
Amended the 23rd Day of July 1999
At the general meeting of the "Seaport Quilters' Guild"
Lewiston, Idaho/ Clarkston, Washington
Amended the 22nd Day of March 2010
At the general meeting of the "Seaport Quilters' Guild"
Lewiston, Idaho/ Clarkston, Washington
This nonprofit organization shall be known as the "Seaport Quilters' Guild." Its headquarters shall be located in Lewiston, Idaho and/or Clarkston, Washington.
(Amended March 8, 1999) This organization is organized exclusively for the educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our purpose is to promote and enhance the art of quilting and quilt-making by exhibitions, lectures and workshops; to encourage fellow quilt enthusiasts by participating in traditional home quilting bees; and to educate and increase the knowledge of quilting techniques.
(Amended March 8, 1999) Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).
Membership shall consist of anyone who is interested in quilting and shall be admitted to membership upon payment of dues. Members are always welcome to bring guests to any meetings. All members shall be eligible to vote of matters pertaining to policy and procedure of the organization. These shall include the election of officers and amending bylaws.
Dues will be charged each year with the amount to be recommended by the Executive Board and approved by the members. Guests will be required to pay dues after attending' two meetings. Their dues will be prorated from the date of payment for the first year.
The officers of the organization shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairman, Publicity Chairman, and Liaison. These officers will serve as the Executive Committee.
- THE PRESIDENT shall be responsible for presiding at all general membership meetings, preparing a budget for her/his term of office, appointing 2 members to audit treasurer's books, and supervising the activities of the Seaport Quilters' Guild. She/He shall perform all such other such duties as are incident to this office. She/He must maintain a folder of duties and activities. During the absence or inability of the president, the duties and powers may be exercised by the vice-president.
- THE VICE-PRESIDENT shall assist the president in matters necessary to the functioning of the "Seaport Quilters' Guild" and assume the duties of the President in the absence of that officer. She/He shall arrange for meetings, workshops, guild activities and places to hold same. She/He will be in charge of programs for monthly meetings. She/He must maintain a folder of duties and activities. She/He may appoint assistants to help her.
- THE SECRETARY shall keep minutes at all general membership meetings and shall present these orally at respective meetings as applicable. She/He shall submit a written copy of the minutes to the newsletter chairman in time for the following month's newsletter. She/He shall maintain a file system of all minutes for future reference. She/He shall prepare all necessary correspondence for the "Seaport Quilters' Guild." She shall perform such other duties as are incidental to that office and are properly required. She/He must maintain a folder of duties and activities.
- THE TREASURER shall have charge of all funds of the "Seaport Quilters' Guild," deposit receipts and disburse monies upon authorization by the club; shall make reports at the general meetings as to the status of the treasury, e.g. previous balance, income, expenditures, balance to date; shall receive and maintain such reports as necessary to file tax returns as required. . She/He shall submit a written copy of the treasurer's report to the newsletter editor in time for publication in the following month's newsletter. The treasurer shall have the books ready for audit soon after June 3Qth so audit committee can have them to the new treasurer by July meeting.
- THE MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN shall see that all new members receive "New Member Packets." She/He will see that monthly sign-in sheets, coffee and cookies are available at general meetings. She/He will review and revise the information sheet for new members and see that public information sheets are available when needed. She/He will coordinate all cards, gifts, and blocks for members. She will plan the June picnic and Christmas dinner. She/He must maintain a folder of duties and activities.
- THE PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN may appoint another member to assist her. She/He will notify the newspaper of meeting dates and places, assist the quilt show chairman in publicity for the quilt show, attend public service announcements and talk shows. She/He must maintain a folder of duties and activities.
- THE LIAISON (Past President) shall attend all meetings and act as an advisor.
Committees shall be established as required to satisfy the programs and needs of the "Seaport Quilters' Guild," for orderly and timely implementations, by interested members.
The term of office shall be for one full year or until the successor takes office. No member shall hold more than one office at a time.
A nominating committee of at least two general members shall be selected by the president before the regular September meeting. This committee is to select nominees for the following offices: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairman, and Publicity Chairman.
The nominating committee shall present these names at the May meeting. Nominations from the floor will be accepted. The election will be by ballot at the May meeting.
Information folders for offices must be passed on by the June Meeting.
Monthly meetings will be held the 4th Monday of each month. Members are encouraged to participate in smaller interest related groups as desired.
The fiscal year for the "Seaport Quilters' Guild" shall begin July 1 and end June 30.
The financial records shall be audited each year by two appointed members, none of which are elected officers, the books are to be picked up after June 30th and returned to the treasurer by the July meeting. A report of the audit shall be sent to the President, , the old Treasurer and the new Treasurer stating the findings in the audit.
Upon the winding up and dissolution of "Seaport Quilters' Guild, after paying and adequately providing for the debts and the obligations of the organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes and which has established its tax-exempt status under section SO1(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
These bylaws may be amended or rescinded by a majority vote at any regular meeting if the notice is given at a previous meeting or in a call for a meeting that such is proposed. Two-thirds of the members present at such a meeting shall constitute a majority vote. All approved bylaw changes or amendments shall be in effect from the date of adoption.
Passed the 26th Day of October 1992
At the general meeting of the "Seaport Quilters' Guild"
Lewiston, Idaho / Clarkston, Washington
Amended the 24th Day of November 1997
At the general meeting of the "Seaport Quilters' Guild"
Lewiston, Idaho / Clarkston, Washington
Amended the 8th Day of March 1999
At the Board Meeting of the "Seaport Quilters' Guild"
Lewiston, Idaho / Clarkston, Washington
Amended the 23rd Day of July 1999
At the general meeting of the "Seaport Quilters' Guild"
Lewiston, Idaho/ Clarkston, Washington
Amended the 22nd Day of March 2010
At the general meeting of the "Seaport Quilters' Guild"
Lewiston, Idaho/ Clarkston, Washington